
BNI Abundance Chapter – Annual Dinner/Event Visual Identity & Production

Artisanal Family Day /Event Deco & Game Booth

BNI Abundance Chapter – Christmas Party 2023/Event Deco

AHA Shop – Social Media

Moisturizing Cream – Genie Home

Sha Tin Dragon Boat Race 沙田龍舟競賽

H.K. Pet’s Hospice Care Service

Endless Love Hospice Service LTD


Jockey Club Charles Kao Brain Health Services promotional vehicle x Stonehouses Family Garden – Event:「越腦越精彩」體驗日

Oyster Station/Oyster Card Decoration

CM+ Hotels & Serviced Apartments – Red Envelope

Where’s ESG? Illustration Series – Bank of China (Hong Kong)

Lions Club 40th Costume Party /Event Deco

Phone Stickers design – Bank of China (Hong Kong)

Wall Sticker & Product design – Bank of China (Hong Kong)

CM+ Hotels & Serviced Apartments – Room Signage Design

初一十五 1-15 – 廿四節氣圖

初一十五 1-15 – 戊戍狗年十二生肖運程


Service Anywhere 2019

Day Day Delivery

CoCheer Dental Lab

SK wedding

CONFEDRATION of Professionals

Anne Lam Photography / Logo

Pak Hei Sports Association

HHCKLA Raffle design

P&S Life & Investment Academy / Social Media


Sofia Collections / Logo

D-coins / Logo

Aviva / Wall Design



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